Horst Seidl
Date and place of birth: 27 August 1938, Berlin, Germany
Appointment to the Academy: 25 November 1992
Scientific discipline: Philosophy (Ethics, Ancient Philosophy)
Academic title: Professor
Academic awards and distinctions
Member of Allgemeine Gesellschaft für Philosophie in Deutschland; Member of the Guardini-Stiftung; Member of the Pont. Accademia di San Tommaso d’Aquino; Member of the Terzo Ordine Domenicano and the Ordine Equestre del Santo Sepolcro; Editor of the series ‘Epimeleia’ (within the Philosophie Studien und Texte of the Olms-Verlag, Hildesheim); Co-editor of the review Aquinas.
Summary of scientific research
Following my twofold background in classical philology and philosophy at the University of Munich (Germany), forty years ago, my research has concentrated on three fields: firstly, the classical authors (Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas and others) and their metaphysics, natural philosophy, epistemology, ethics and anthropology. Secondly, general ethics and some special disciplines (bioethics and others), maintaining anthropology and metaphysics as their foundation, as indispensable for the defence of their normativity (founded in human nature or essence). Thirdly, metaphysics and epistemology in their relationship with modern criticism (from Descartes and Kant to Brentano, Dilthey, Husserl and Heidegger). Adjacent fields of my research have been and are the philosophy of religion, the latter in dialogue with Japanese colleagues (about Nishida, Nishitani and others), the philosophy of culture and of arts (with literary criticism). See home-page: http://digilander.libero.it/intercultur.
Main publications
Der Begriff des Intellekts (νοῦς) bei Aristoteles im Zusammenhang seiner Hauptschriften, Meisenheim 1971 (= Monographien z. Philos. Forschung Bd. 80); Editions (with translation and commentary) of Aristotle’s Metaphysica, Analytica posteriora and De anima, in Meiner Philosophische Bibliothek; Beiträge zu Aristoteles’ Erkenntnislehre und Metaphysik, Amsterdam-Würzburg 1984 (Elementa Bd. 35); Beiträge zu Aristoteles’ Naturphilosophie, Amsterdam-Würzburg 1995 (Elementa, Bd. 40); Editions and commentary of St. Thomas Aquinas, Die Gottesbeweise in den beiden ‘Summen’, and De ente et essentia, in Meiner Philosophische Bibliothek; Sittengesetz und Freiheit, Weilheim-Bierbronnen (Schriftenreihe der Gustav-Siewerth-Akademie) 1992; Sintesi di etica generale. Coscienza, libertà e legge morale, Roma (Città Nuova) 1994; Philosophiegeschichte und bleibende Wahrheit, Weilheim-Bierbronnen 1995; Storia della filosofia e verità, Roma (Mursia) 1999; Sein und Bewußtsein, Hildesheim (Olms) 2001; Bytí a ve˘domí, Prague (Vysˇehrad) 2005; Vom Dasein zum Wesen des Menschen, Hildesheim (Olms) 2001; Über das Verhältnis von Philosophie und Religion, ibid. 2003; Gentechnologie in ethischer Beurteilung, Bonn (Nova & Vetera) 2003; Der Mensch in Gottes Schöpfung, 2 vol., ibid. 2005-2006; Heideggers Fehlinterpretation antiker Texte, ibid. 2005; Critical Comments on M. Heidegger’s Interpretation of Ancient Texts in his Introduction into Metaphysics, New York (Global Scholarly Publications) 2005; Realistische Metaphysik, Hildesheim (Olms) 2006; Metafisica e realismo, Rome (Lateran Univ. Press) 2007.
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