Being and Person


IV Plenary Session 25-27 June 2004 – “Metaphysics should not be seen as an alternative to anthropology, since it is metaphysics which makes it possible to ground the concept of personal dignity in virtue of their spiritual nature. In a special way, the person constitutes a privileged locus for the encounter with being, and hence with metaphysical enquiry.” (Joannes Paulus II, Fides et ratio, § 83).

Some reference texts: «Sensus autem non cognoscit esse nisi sub hic et nunc, sed intellectus apprehendit esse absolute, et secundum omne tempus. Unde omne habens intellectum naturaliter desiderat esse semper» (S. Th., I, 75, 6); «Deus est et tu: sed tuum esse est participatum, suum vero essentiale» (In Psal., 34, 7); «Ipse Deus, qui est esse tantum, est quodammodo species omnium formarum subsistentium quae esse participant et non sunt suum esse» (De Pot., 6, 6 ad 5); «Persona significat id quod est perfectissimum in tota natura, scilicet subsistens in rationali natura» (S. Th., I, 29, 3).


2004 Proceedings

Proceedings of the IV Plenary Session on Being and Person / Essere e persona  25-27... Read more

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