Enrique Martínez
Date and place of birth: 10 March 1963, Barcelona, Spain
Appointment to the Academy: 24 June 2006
Scientific discipline: Philosophy
Academic title: Lecturer
Academic awards and distinctions
Lecturer of Philosophy at the Universidad Abat Oliba CEU (Barcelona, Spain). PhD in Philosophy and Sciences of Education (Universidad de Barcelona). Director of the Instituto Santo Tomás and its philosophy journal e-aquinas, Fundación Balmesiana (Barcelona, Spain). Director of the Humanities Department, Universidad Abat Oliba CEU (Barcelona, Spain). Secretary in Barcelona of the Instituto CEU de Humanidades Angel Ayala. Assistant editor of the philosophy journal Espíritu, Instituto Filosófico de Balmesiana (Barcelona, Spain). General Secretary of the International Society of Thomas Aquinas (SITA) (Rome, Italy). Technical Executive Director of the International Council of Universities Saint Thomas Aquinas (IC-USTA).
Summary of scientific research
Disciple of Professor Francisco Canals, Dr Martínez was educated in the Thomist school of Barcelona. His first area of research was the Philosophy of Education in Saint Thomas Aquinas; his PhD thesis was focused on this matter. His second area of research is the metaphysics of the person being; he is the main researcher of the project: ‘Metaphysics of the person being in Saint Thomas Aquinas’. He is also interested in the metaphysics of knowledge in the Scholastics.
Main publications
Persona y educación en Santo Tomás de Aquino, Madrid, Fundación Universitaria Española, 2002; Ser y educar, Bogotá, Universidad Santo Tomás de Colombia, 2004; and various articles in philosophy journals and contributions in Congresses, the last ones being: “Vida personal y comunicación interpersonal. Consideraciones sobre la metafísica de la persona en Santo Tomás de Aquino”, in Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 13 (2006), 81-88; “El intelecto agente en la Escolástica Carmelitana del siglo XIV”, and “El intelecto agente según Juan de Santo Tomás”, in Juan Fernando Sellés (ed.), El intelecto agente en la Escolástica Renacentista, EUNSA, Pamplona, 2006.
Universidad Abat Oliba CEU
Belleguard 30
08022 Barcelona (Spain)