John O'Callaghan
Date and place of birth:
Appointment to the Academy: February 2010
Scientific discipline: Medieval Philosophy, Thomas Aquinas, Thomistic Metaphysics
Academic title: Associate Professor
Summary of scientific research
Ph.D. University of Notre Dame. Areas of Interest: Medieval Philosophy, Thomas Aquinas, Thomistic Metaphysics.
Main publications
Recent Articles "Can We Demonstrate that God Exists," forthcoming in Nova et Vetera. “The Identity of Knower and Known: Sellars's and McDowell's Thomisms.” Presidential Address of The American Catholic Philosophical Association, 2013. Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association Ed. R. E. Houser. Philosophy Documentation Center, Charlottesville, 2014. “The Identity of Knower and Known: Sellars's and McDowell's Thomisms.” Presidential Address of The American Catholic Philosophical Association, 2013. Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association Ed. R. E. Houser. Philosophy Documentation Center, Charlottesville, 2014. “Actively Forgetting the Image of God: Nietzsche and Great Texts,” invited contribution to Finding a Common Thread: Reading Great Texts from Homer to O'Connor. Eds. Robert Roberts, and Scott Moore. St. Augustine Press, 2013. “Videtur quod non sit necessarium, praeter theologicam disciplinam, aliam doctrinam haberi,” festschrift in honor of Ralph McInerny edited by Matt Lamb, Catholic University Press, forthcoming. "Evolution and Catholic Faith," Invited contributions to Darwin, Science, and Religion edited by Phillip Sloan, Gerald McKenny, and Kathleen Eggleson from University of Notre Dame Press, in press, forthcoming. “Anamnesis and Tradition: Aquinas and Nietzsche,” in Tradition as the Future of Innovation, Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2015. Ed. Elisa Grimi. Pp. 111-138. "The Immaterial Soul and Its Discontents," Acta Philosophica. #1, Vol. 24, 2015, pp.43-65. "Misericordia in Aquinas: A Test Case for Theological and Natural Virtues [Elaborate Version]. Jaarboek 2013 Thomas Instituut Utrecht, 2014. "Three Rival Versions of Thomism: Sellars, McDowell, and...," Presidential Address of The American Catholic Philosophical Association, in the Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 2014. “Concepts, Mirrors, and Signification: Reply to Deely,” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 84, no.1, 2010. "St. Thomas Aquinas", Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, with Ralph McInerny. "The Unity of Nature Now and Then: Aquinas and Hilary Putnam, " the Review of Metaphysics, 2008. "Neither Robber Barons nor Philosopher Kings: Political Prudence in the Just Polity According to Plato, Aristotle, and Aquinas, " Proceedings of the American Experiment: Religious Freedom Conference, University of Portland, April 2007 , revised and published 2008. "Her Dark Night, " Commonweal: A Review of Religion, Politics, and Culture, " Nov. 2007. "Aquinas on Augustine's Mind and the Imago Dei," invited contribution to Aquinas as Augustinian, Catholic University of America Press, 2007. "Mind, Metaphysics, and Value: Discussion Essay," The Thomist, Fall 2007. "Sacred Monkeys and the Seamless Garment: Catholics and Political Life,"Law Review of the University of St. Thomas, Spring 2006. "Creation, Human Dignity, and the Virtues of Acknowledged Dependence,"Nova et Vetera, (2003). "Aquinas' Rejection of Mind, Contra Kenny,"The Thomist (2002). "Aquinas, Cognitive Theory, and Analogy," The American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly (2002). "The Problem of Language and Mental Representation in Aristotle and St. Thomas," The Review of Metaphysics (1997). "Concepts, Beings, and Things in St. Thomas," The Review of Metaphysics, (1996). Books The Bloomsbury Companion to Aquinas, with John Haldane (in progress). Thomistic Realism and The Linguistic Turn: Toward a More Perfect Form of Existence (2003). Recovering Nature: Essays in Honor of Ralph McInerny (1999), ed. with T. Hibbs.
Department of Philosophy
University of Notre Dame
100 Malloy Hall
Notre Dame, IN 46556