John F. Wippel
Date and place of birth: 21 August 1933, Pomeroy, Ohio, USA
Priestly ordination: 28 May 1960
Appointment to the Academy: 8 February 2003
Scientific discipline: Philosophy
Academic title: Professor
Academic awards and distinctions
National Endowment for the Humanities Younger Humanist Fellowship (1970-1971); National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for Independent Study and Research (1984-1985); Aquinas Medal 1999 (American Catholic Philosophical Association). President of the American Catholic Philosophical Association (1986-1987); President of the Society for Mediaeval and Renaissance Philosophy (1982-1984); President of The Metaphysical Society of America (2005-2006). Academic degrees B.A., M.A., S.T.L. The Catholic University of America. Ph.D. (philosophy), University of Louvain. Maître agrégé de l’Ecole saint Thomas d’Aquin, Louvain-la-Neuve; Doctorate of letters in Mediaeval Studies honoris causa, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto (October, 2005). Faculty positions 1960-1961 and 1963-1965, Instructor (School of Philosophy, The Catholic University of America); 1965-1967, Assistant Professor (School of Philosophy, The Catholic University of America); 1967-1972, Associate Professor (School of Philosophy, The Catholic University of America); 1972-2001, Ordinary Professor (School of Philosophy, The Catholic University of America); 2001 to present, Theodore Basselin Professor of Philosophy (School of Philosophy, The Catholic University of America). Spring semester, 1969, Visiting Associate Professor (University of California, San Diego). Administrative appointments 1989-1996, Academic Vice President (The Catholic University of America); 1996-1997, Provost (The Catholic University of America).
Summary of scientific research
Primarily in medieval philosophy, especially the metaphysics of Thomas Aquinas, his contemporaries, and in the later 13th century at Paris.
Main publications
Books: Medieval Philosophy from St. Augustine to Nicholas of Cusa, New York: The Free Press, 1969 (with Allan B. Wolter); The Metaphysical Thought of Godfrey of Fontaines, Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 1981; Metaphysical Themes in Thomas Aquinas, Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 1984; ‘Part II: Quodlibetal Questions Chiefly in Theology Faculties’, in Les questions disputées et les questions quodlibétiques dans les facultés de théologie, de droit et de medicine by B.C. Bazán, G. Fransen, D. Jacquart, and J. Wippel, Turnhout-Belgium: Brepols, 1985, pp. 153-222; Boethius of Dacia: ‘On the Supreme Good’, ‘On the Eternity of the World’, ‘On Dreams’. Tr. and Introduction. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1987; Studies in Mediaeval Philosophy, Editor and author of ch. 6 (‘Thomas Aquinas and Participation’), Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 1987; Mediaeval Reactions to the Encounter between Faith and Reason: The Aquinas Lecture, 1995, Milwaukee: Marquette, 1995; The Metaphysical Thought of Thomas Aquinas: From Finite Being to Uncreated Being, Washington: The Catholic University of America Press, 2000; Metaphysical Themes in Thomas Aquinas II, Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2007. Articles Listed in curriculum vitae (see
The Catholic University of America
School of Philosophy
Washington, DC
20064 (USA)