Leonard J. Elders, S.V.D.
Date and place of birth: 7 August 1926, Enkhuizen, The Netherlands
Appointment to the Academy: 15 June 1979
Scientific discipline: Philosophy
Academic title: Professor
Most important awards, prizes and academies
Professor of Philosophy, Nanzian University, Nagoya, Japan. Professor of Philosophy, Università di San Tommaso, Rome. Professor of Philosophy, Pontificia Università Lateranense, Rome. Center for Thomistic Studies, Houston. Akademie Gustav Siewerth, Germany. Member of the Societé pour l’étude de la Philosophié médiévale. Socio dell’Accademia di sant’Antonio di Padova e della Pontificia Accademia di San Tommaso d’Aquino. Rolduc, Professor of Metaphysics and Ethics, at the “Rolduc” Institute of Philosophy, the Seminary of the Dioceses of Haarlam, and the Faculté libre de philosophie, Paris.
Summary of scientific research
Studies at the Universities of Utrecht, Harvard and Montreal.
Main publications
More than forty years of Academic research. Published: three books on Aristotle’s philosophy. Nine books on St. Thomas’ thought. Two volumes of essays on St. Thomas’ philosophy. Main editor of some eighteen books on Aquinas and theological issues. One book on ‘L’Etre et le Néant’ of J.P. Sartre. Some hundred scientific articles on the thought of Aquinas. Some forty miscellaneous essays.
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